Mini Split AC vs Window Unit, Which is The Better Option?

December 15, 2023
Mini Split AC vs Window Unit, Which is The Better Option?

As temperatures start to soar, finding the perfect cooling system for your home becomes a top priority. Window air conditioners, or window units, have been a go-to solution for homes without central air, especially when one or two rooms need extra cooling. However, with advancements in technology, mini split air conditioners are becoming a more popular option for homeowners who want to cool multiple rooms efficiently. Here we look at the differences between a mini split and a window unit in order to help you decide which cooling system is the best choice for your home.

When it comes to choosing a cooling system for your home, there are a few options to consider. Window air conditioners have been a popular choice for years, while central air systems offer whole-house cooling. However, there is a newer option on the market: the ductless mini split system. This cooling system uses multiple indoor units connected to an outdoor unit, providing efficient and targeted cooling to multiple rooms in your home.


Window Air Conditioner
Window air-conditioning units are generally designed to cool one room at a time, with their cooling capacities measured in BTUs (British Thermal Units). If you wanted to cool an entire home using window air conditioners, you’d need to purchase and install multiple units.

Ductless Mini-Split Cooling System
Ductless mini-split cooling systems can cool multiple rooms at once, and one convenient thing about this system is that you can build upon it. So if you originally design your ductless mini-split cooling system to cool a couple of rooms in your house, and you later decide you’d like to cool your entire house using the system, you won’t need to scrap the original work you did and start from scratch. Rather, you can add onto it and even cool your entire home using one system.

Maintenance and Care

Window Air Conditioner
In general, it’s advised that you wash the filter screen of your window unit at least once a month. Using a putty knife, you’ll want to remove the mesh filter and then wash it with the grill using soap and water. If you notice any mold on the filter, you’ll want to thoroughly clean it with hydrogen peroxide.

You should also clean the evaporator and condenser coils with a vacuum, ideally using a brush attachment, in order to get rid of any debris, and use a fin comb to straighten any bent coil fins. Also be sure to dust the exterior of your AC weekly.

Ductless Mini-Split Cooling System
The protocol for caring for a mini-split is not much different than that of caring for a standard window unit. Clean the filter once a month, wash the coils as needed and be sure to dust the exterior. You’ll also want to clean the pipes, since they are responsible for the quality of air being distributed around your home.

Additionally, most suppliers will suggest you schedule a professional maintenance check annually.


Window Air Conditioner
8-10 years

Ductless Mini-Split Cooling System
About 20 years


The cost between window air conditioners and ductless mini-split cooling systems is fairly significant, with each window unit costing up to $600 and a ductless system costing up to $4,000 per unit.

  • Window Air Conditioner: $150 to $600 per unit, $200 to $300 for installation (rough estimation only)
  • Ductless Mini-Split Cooling System: $2,000 to $4,000 per unit, $500 to $2,000 for installation (rough estimation only)

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