Can you really tell the difference in air quality when you replace your air filter?

December 27, 2023
Can you really tell the difference in air quality when you replace your air filter?

Regularly replacing your HVAC system’s air filters can make a difference in the quality of the air you and your family breathe in your home. By using a medium to high-efficiency air filter and replacing it regularly (according to the manufacturer’s instructions), you can reduce some airborne particles, improving the quality of the air in your home. And yes, if you forget to replace your air filters as needed, you may notice more dust accumulating on your household surfaces or your allergies might start acting up. Still, many standard HVAC air filters don’t perform as well as you might think in cleaning your air. So, can you really tell the difference in air quality when you replace your air filter?

All air filters aren’t created equal

Some air filters are better than others at filtering out various particles. Air filters come with a MERV rating (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value). Filters with a low MERV rating (4 or less) will help protect your air conditioner but don’t actually do much in the way of cleaning the air. The EPA recommends air filters with a MERV between 7-13 for removing smaller particles that may trigger allergies.

HEPA filters remove up to 99.97% of particles

PAarticles sized to 0.3 microns from the air. These include many common bacteria and viruses, meaning that the chances of catching an airborne contagious disease like the flu simply by being in the same house as an infected person are significantly reduced.

The HVAC system will work more efficiently

Regularly cleaning or changing air filters, combined with regular maintenance, will result in a longer lifespan of your HVAC system. Attain optimal temperature control. With less energy expended in filtering, your HVAC system will be more effective at maintaining the ideal temperature in the house.

Protecting your family’s health

Nothing is more important that the air we breathe. Clean air can make you feel better, avoid illness, and live longer. Still, indoor air quality can quickly deteriorate as we use household chemicals, spread germs, and track in pollen or other allergens from the outside. To ensure your indoor air is clean and safe, first, be sure to regularly swap out your air filters. For an easy and convenient way to change your air filters on time, reach out to us!

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